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"Life-threatening hemorrhage is a leading cause of preventable mortality in military and civilian trauma patients."

The Hartford Consensus

Lenworth M. Jacobs, Jr., MD, MPH, FACS

Chairman, Hartford Consensus

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"Trauma is the third-leading cause of death in the United States, more lives than any other cause except heart disease and cancer."


John Holcomb, MD, FACS

Chief, Division of Acute Care Surgery

University of Texas Health Science Center

HemaSTAT Features


Starch-based hemostats are safe, effective, and widely used.

Chitosan-based hemostatic dressings are safe, effective, and widely used.


Chitogen has developed and protected a proprietary combination of components that capitalize on the immediate impact of starch hemostats and the structure and flexibility of chitosan-based preparations.


TRAUMASTAThas demonstrated superiority in time to hemostasis and clot stability in life-threatening hemorrhage models.

Developed by the same team who invented the starch-based hemostatic category and developed Arista (Microporous Polysaccharide Hemospheres) distributed by Bard.


This product is in development and testing mode and will be available for general use and purchase soon.




Day of Injury

Hemorrhage is responsible for >90% of deaths on the day of injury


Hemorrhage is responsible for >90% of preventable deaths in soldiers

Battlefield Web Kit

Battlefield Web Kit Components

Chitogen HemaSTAT Battlefield Webkit

The Chitogen web belt camo bag includes:

  • Five TRAUMASTAT™sterile hemostatic dressing packages,

  • Five gauze bandages

  • One Rapid One Hand Application tourniquet.

Narrative Descripto

Narrative Description

The ideal hemostat would provide immediate and flexible control of mild, moderate, and severe bleeding, reduce expenses, and save lives.


Bleeding from arterial access sites (interventional cardiology) and arteriovenous access sites (dialysis) delays time to discharge, reduces patient satisfaction, increase demands on staff, and overloads recovery units.


Bleeding and hemorrhage remain the single greatest preventable cause of death in civilian and military trauma.


Chitogen TRAUMASTAT™ Efficacy

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